2023 Projects Funded

COGGO Research Fund 2023


Murdoch University

Molecular and phenotypic selection of gene-edited wheat lines to deliver enhanced frost tolerance

Status: In progress


University of Western Australia

Paraquat ain’t paraquat: improving the use of paraquat for cost-effective glyphosate and paraquat resistance management on-farm

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Status: Complete


Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Investigating systems for control of Desiantha weevil in relation to resistance and biology in WA

Status: In progress


SLR Agriculture

The impact SHO Safflower on the profitability of the rotation with single and double break scenarios in the low rainfall regions of WA

Status: In progress


University of Western Australia

Expanding phenological diversity in narrow-leafed lupin using novel flowering time genes

Status: In progress


Yuna Farm Improvement Group

Managing soil nitrogen, moisture and plant production interactions for increased grain production potential under climatically variable conditions

Status: In progress

Total Funded: $678,471