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Research grants up to $150,000 available for 2025

The Council of Grain Grower Organisations Limited (COGGO) is again offering grants of up to $150,000 for innovative research and development projects commencing in 2025.

COGGO will consider projects that target any part of the Western Australian grain supply chain and returns benefit to WA grain growers.

Mr Rhys Turton, COGGO Chairman, said the research grants provide catalytic funding for innovative R&D projects in WA that focus on addressing constraints and that can improve the profitability and sustainability of growers and the growth of the WA grains industry.

“The grains industry continues to face production and other challenges to ensure the ongoing competitiveness and industry sustainability,” said Mr Turton.

“The COGGO Research Fund provides opportunities for research organisations and grower groups in particular with ideas that can support the ongoing profitability and sustainability of growers.”

Funding for projects ranges from $20,000 to $75,000 per annum over a project life of one or two years, to a maximum of $150,000.

In February this year, COGGO announced four projects that successfully received funding through the grant process and would be commencing in 2024. They are:

  • Stirlings to Coast Farmers: “Measuring herbicide residue and the impact on subsequent grain crops under high rainfall conditions”.
  • Curtin University: “Co-existence of blackleg and Sclerotinia stem rot disease on canola”
  • Barley Council, Grain Industry Association of WA: “Development of a business case that quantifies the need for research to establish appropriate receival standard(s) as a measure of malt barley storability”.
  • Farmanco: “Preparing our people for natural disaster mental health management”.

Expression of Interest applications for prospective 2025 projects are available at  or by phoning (08) 6262 2128.

The closing date for initial EOI applications is Friday 12 July. Accepted EOIs will be invited to submit a full Project proposal for projects ready to commence in 2025.




Rhys Turton, Chairman


M 0417 412 565

E [email protected]


Dean McKenzie, Company Secretary


P 08 9480 0406

E  [email protected]

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Successful 2024 COGGO research projects announced

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Research grants up to $150,000 available for 2024

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